Engagement Protocols for International Collaboration

Engagement Protocols for International Collaboration

Best-practice Engagement Protocols for International Collaborations

Collaborations are recognised and appreciated as an important part of supporting volcano science in a resource-constrained context. One of INVOLC’s goals is to develop best-practice guidelines and engagement protocols for international collaboration.

A draft set of guidelines for best-engagement protocols in international collaboration was drafted during our inaugural workshop and has been endorsed by IAVCEI. The draft document was posted to the community for comment in 2022 and the feedback has now been incorporated into the final draft of the protocols.

This document is currently being incorporated into a publication, foreseen to be available in 2023.

Any questions on the best-engagement protocols can be emailed directly to the board at iavcei.involc@gmail.com

This document can also be found in the Wiki of of our Ghub (was VHub) page (https://theghub.org/groups/involc/wiki/EngagementProtocols).

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