


INVOLC (2019), Fostering developing-developed country partnerships for the advancement of global volcano science. Inaugural Workshop of the International Network for VOLcanology Collaboration (INVOLC) Report

The University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (UWI-SRC) and the IAVCEI – International Network for Volcanology Collaboration (INVOLC*) co-convened the workshop “Fostering developed-developing country partnerships for the advancement of global volcano science” at the University of the West Indies St. Augustine Campus, 4-7 June 2019.Financial support for this event was provided by 7 different organisations and institutions: the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior (IAVCEI), the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), the United States Geological Survey Volcano Disaster Assistance Program (USGS – VDAP), USAID, the University of the West Indies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) and the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium).

The purpose of the workshop was to bring together senior scientists representing countries working in a resource- or technology- constrained context to discuss the challenges to undertaking volcanology in this context and also opportunities for advancement of volcano science through the establishment of a network to support scientists primarily from Lower- to Middle- Income Countries (LMIC’s). In total 22 scientists from 20 different countries, primarily LMICs, attended (see Appendix for List of Participants).

Specific intended outcomes of the workshop included i) prioritised goals for the IAVCEI-INVOLC and establishment of the composition and function; ii) proposed future activities of the network; and iii) recommendations for best-practice engagement protocols targeted at international scientists working in developing countries. In preparation of the workshop, an online survey was developed and distributed as widely as possible to volcano scientists around the globe. Results of the survey were presented during the workshop to stimulate discussion and are also summarised in this report.

This report reflects the consensus view of all participants to the workshop, resulting from discussion in focused breakout groups and plenary form. All participants received the opportunity to provide confidential feedback and comments on an earlier draft version of this report.

*previously provisionally called IAVCEI – Developing Nations Network