Welcome to INVOLC

Welcome to INVOLC

Welcome to INVOLC the IAVCEI International Network for VOLcanology Collaboration

Fostering Cross-Country Partnerships to Overcome Challenges in Resource-Constrained Settings for the Advancement of Global Volcanology


Starting with community driven discussions in 2017, the formation of a new network of volcano scientists working in resource-limited contexts (primarily Lower-and-Middle-Income Countries – LMICs), has been initiated in order to stimulate their enhanced participation and inclusion into the global volcanological community. 

In 2019 an online survey was organised to seek input from the global volcanology community, particularly those based in LMICs, to gauge their experiences and challenges working in their context. The survey asked about experiences related to financing research, attending scientific meetings, publishing research, training opportunities, international collaborations, etc.

Following on from the survey, a workshop “Fostering developed-developing country partnerships for the advancement of global volcano science” was held at the University of the West Indies St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad & Tobago in June 2019. In total 25 participants from 20 different countries, primarily LMICs, came together to discuss challenges to undertake volcanology in a resource-limited context, as well as mechanisms to advance volcanology and inclusion of all volcano scientists into the international community. Recommendations from the survey and workshop were presented to IAVCEI and INVOLC was officially inaugurated as a network of IAVCEI during the centennial celebration in July 2019.


“Fostering Cross-Country Partnerships to Overcome Challenges in Resource-Constrained Settings for the Advancement of Global Volcanology”

This definition deliberately includes partnerships between any nations and reflects the specific ambition to foster inter-regional partnerships between scientists working in resource-constrained contexts. 


1) ADVOCATE for inclusion of volcano scientists working in resource-constrained contexts into the international community; 

2) DEVELOP best-practice guidelines and engagement protocols for international collaboration; 

3) IDENTIFY and ADDRESS knowledge gaps and needs; 

4) COLLECT and DISSEMINATE information on available resources (financial, educational, infrastructural, etc.); 

5) FACILITATE and PROMOTE theexchange and sharing of knowledge and resources between countries; and 

6) IDENTIFY and HELP OBTAINING funding resources facilitating the above-mentioned goals.

INVOLC membership is open to anyone who perceives themselves as working in a resource-constrained context that imposes challenges towards integration into the international volcanology community, and regardless of employment status or affiliation mandate, i.e. inclusive of both academia and government institutions.

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Engagement Protocols for International Collaboration

Best-practice Engagement Protocols for International Collaborations Collaborations are recognised and appreciated as an important part of supporting volcano science in a resource-constrained context. One of INVOLC’s goals is to develop best-practice guidelines and engagement protocols for international collaboration. A draft…

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